Corcoran High School
Panthers logo on the gym floor

Frequently Asked Questions

In order to provide you with quick answers to your questions, we’ve addressed some of your most frequently asked questions on this page. You can find more information about school policies and procedures in our student handbook, located under the parent and student Quick Links on the Home page. If you still don’t find the answers you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact our school office. We welcome the chance to speak to you in person.

What is the attendance policy at CHS?

When a student is absent from school, a parent or guardian must call the high school attendance office by 11:00 a.m. on the same day of the absence. To leave a message on the attendance hotline, please call (589) 992-8884, ext. 6283 with the following information: 

  • Parent/guardian’s name
  • Student’s name
  • Date and reason for absence
  • Estimated date of return

If you cannot call to report your child’s absence, then the student must bring a written note containing the date, reason, and days for the absence, and a parent’s signature to the main office upon his or her return to school.

Students must attend 95 percent of each year to participate in graduation ceremonies. This means students cannot miss more than nine days per year or 63 periods per year (school activities and medical absences do not count against a student’s attendance). All absences, excused and unexcused, count against the 63-period maximum.

Parents may access their child’s attendance records online through the Aeries Parent Portal. Please remember that it is the parent's responsibility to account for their child’s absences. 

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What if my child has to leave campus early?

The front office staff must clear any student who needs to leave early before he or she may leave the campus. Parents must pick up their child in person, call the office, or provide the attendance office with a signed note.

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What is your policy concerning student lockers?

CHS provides all students with lockers for their convenience and to help protect school-issued property. Students are responsible for all school-issued property; the school is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles.

School administrators and teachers retain the right to examine the contents of a locker at any time without notice. If a member of our staff discovers prohibited items in a student’s locker, the principal will take disciplinary action.

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Is there a dress code at CHS?

The CUSD governing board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. We expect students to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to wear clothes that are suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Students have the right to make individual choices from a wide range of clothing and grooming styles, but they must not present a health/safety hazard or a distraction, which might interfere with the educational process. You can read a detailed description of our student dress code in our student handbook, found on the Home page.

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Can my child eat breakfast/lunch at school?

All CUSD schools are pleased to provide our students with healthy meals that meet the nutritional requirements of the National School Lunch Program. Students can purchase low-cost breakfast and lunch at the school cafeteria. Reduced-price and free meals are also available to qualifying students. Please refer to our district Food Services page for more information.

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Can my child leave campus for lunch?

CUSD does allow high school students to leave campus during lunch under Section 44805.5 of the Education Code, which states, “neither the school district nor any officer or employee thereof shall be liable for the conduct nor safety of any pupil during such time as the pupil has left the school grounds pursuant to this section.” Students who leave campus for lunch must obey the following rules:
  • Students must be on time to class after lunch.
  • Students driving cars during lunch may not cruise the campus, Whitley, or Letts Avenues.
  • Students may not litter the school grounds or private residences with trash of any kind.
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Does CHS provide transportation to and from school?

The Corcoran Unified School District is pleased to provide bus transportation for the convenience and safety of our students. School administrators will assign students to ride a certain bus, and students must carry a bus pass and their Student Body Card at all times. Students must pay for lost or misplaced cards.  

Please remember that riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right, and we expect our students to follow bus safety rules at all times. Please visit the district Transportation page for more information on bus safety and to view bus routes.

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Why does my child need a Student Body Card?

CHS issues Student Body Cards at registration, and we require all students carry their Student Body Card while at school. We will not grant students who do not have their Student Body Card admission to school activities or honor student pricing.

We encourage all students to purchase an ASB Sticker, which provides a considerable savings for home and away athletic games, dances, and the yearbook. Not only do students support the student body by buying an ASB sticker, but they also save money with their investment.

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Does CHS provide any student health services?

The school nurse assists local doctors in giving simple health examinations to all students and will bring health concerns to the attention of parents. The school nurse may also administer to minor health needs and give first aid when on campus. Students who need the services of the school nurse during the school day should report to the high school office with a teacher's pass.

All medication (including Visine, Tylenol, vitamins, supplements, and all other over-the-counter and prescription medication) must remain in the school office. If your child must take medication at school, please complete and submit a Medication Authorization form. Please visit our district Health Services page for a copy of the form and for more information about student health services.

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